News 4 min read

The Journey to 200+ Members and Beyond

Written on 24 Sep 2018

We’ve had a long journey since we’ve started, and we’ve learned many things along the way.

CodeClouds 250 Members
Less than 10 years ago in 2009, CodeClouds started as a small 4 developer team. We’ve since grown exponentially to reach 250 team members in three global locations, becoming one of the top companies for various web services.
CodeCloud's Journey
In the last two years alone we have nearly doubled our team size from 125 in 2016, and we don’t plan to stop here. Later this year, we will be opening a new Australian location and we will be expanding our Kolkata location once more.
The CodeClouds India Team
The CodeClouds US Team
The CodeClouds New Zealand Team
A lot has changed in a few short years. We now offer two software products and Unify CMS. In addition, our product and R&D teams are hard at work developing more innovative products, tools, and tech to help bringing the industry forward.
We’ve had the opportunity to attend many events and meet new people. Within the past year, we’ve attended ADSUM, Affiliate Summit East and West, Panama GB, Affiliate World Europe, and other conventions . We’ve even sponsored parties and events at some. In fact, we’ll be attending the next ADSUM very soon!
The CodeClouds US Team
We’re Proud to have grown so quickly, and we view it as a sign that we’re doing things right. You can’t keep growing like this with unhappy clients. We’ve always had an ever increasing stream of clients, and while other companies are looking for enough work to keep all of their employees busy, we’re always looking for more employees to be able to take on more clients.

If you’re looking for work, we are currently looking to fill many positions.

We want to fill a variety of programming positions in Kolkata. We are looking for developers with PHP skills, and experience with frameworks like Laravel or CodeIgniter is a bonus. We’re also looking for developers who have experience with machine learning and AI technologies including those on Google’s and Amazon’s platforms.
If you are in the USA or New Zealand, we are looking for PHP developers, Sales executives, and Jr. Graphics/UI developers. We are also looking for Server Tech and HTML developers in New Zealand.
For more details like the locations and the requirements, check out our careers page for up to date information on the roles available at CodeClouds.
CodeClouds has an exciting work environment, filled with fun and celebrations for many events, including Christmas, Holi, Durga Puja, Women’s Day, and more.
CodeClouds at Affiliate World Europe 2018
On November 23rd, CodeClouds will be holding a developer conference in Kolkata called “Spectrum 2018”. During this event we will be talking about our upcoming products, our future roadmap and more with a few guest speakers. Clients and partners are invited. Stay tuned to find out more!
We’d like to thank all of our members, partners in the industry, as well as the customers for believing in us and making this possible. We’ve been thrilled with the results of the last 9 years, and we look forward to the next 9.

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